Should you take your laptop and other gadgets on holiday?


3 Answers

Adrian Masters Profile
Adrian Masters answered

Certainly!! I do. I never travel without my laptop and smart phone. I usually have a GPS and my digital camera too. You have to have all the play toy's. :)

1 Person thanked the writer.
Paul Grenyer
Paul Grenyer commented
Yes, totally agree. Most people I know seem to think that my idea of a holiday should be the same as theirs. I'm just lucky that I enjoy "working".
Adrian Masters
Adrian Masters commented
I try not to work when on vacation, but playing is a whole nother story. Lol! There is plenty of time for work when you are home.
Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Personally, I'd leave the laptop at home but keep my iPhone on me at all times. I'm guilty of being glued to a screen of one size or another for quite a lot of the time - and whilst it might be difficult to completely switched off from work, I think there are also some tangible benefits from just taking a break.

Although I do the majority of my work on a laptop, there's still quite a lot I can get done on my phone - so maybe it depends on the kind of work you do anyway.

And the kind of holiday you plan to embark on might also come into the equation. There's little point of bringing a laptop camping for example (even if you do have a solar battery pack or some sort of generator).

Also, getting away from it all and clearing your head can actually be beneficial. Spending time relaxing with family or friends will improve your general well-being, which should translate in your work.

And you might just come back with loads of energy and a new perspective!

Adila Adila Profile
Adila Adila answered

Laptop NO. Why would you want to be stuck to a screen when you should be out there enjoying yourself and doing things you don't normally get the chance to do!

Then after you've gone out and done some activities, you could update it all on share pictures of it on twitter or Facebook on your phone...but there is no need for a laptop, a camera maybe but nothing more.

Unless of course you want to work...then go ahead but personally I think just go on holiday and enjoy it because life is too short to be sitting there glued to a screen ,think about all the wonderful things you'd miss. I'm normally glued to my phone but I'd feel guilty after that things have gone on in the world and I don't know about and I feel as if I've missed out, and that people are getting on with their life and there's me on my laptop, not taking advantage of the choices I have. Well that's how I see it! Each to their own they say. 8)

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