Instagram videos or Vine?


3 Answers

Adila Adila Profile
Adila Adila answered

I just joined Instagram and Vine after long persuasion from friends and I can honestly say I prefer neither! They are both similar anyway, I just get bored.

Instagram is obviously more popular so people are bound to like it more, vine's layout is similar to twitter though but I don't know. I'll have to use them both a bit more and then report back! I think however that Instagram has more features, and their video is easier to share around.

Delete This Account Profile
I prefer Instagram. Vine were the first big ones to offer video snips, but seeing as Instagram added pretty much the same feature I actually prefer it as it got both videos and pictures combined, instead of having two different apps for it.
Jeff Hardiz Profile
Jeff Hardiz answered

It's really a matter a taste. I like Instagram simply because I can use third-party apps like Lomotif to easily create awesome videos from random clips on my Camera Roll. With Vine, there's so much planning involved to make a good one. Just my 2 cents so don't flame me!

Try this video downloader for Instagram through which you can easily save instagram videos, picture to your phone gallery.

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