What makes you want to blog?


7 Answers

Lily Bradic Profile
Lily Bradic answered

I don't blog — a) because I don't have time, and b) because I think it's important to be passionate about something in order to do it well. As there's nothing I'm currently interested in enough to blog about, it would be a waste of my time, and the time of any poor soul who happened to come across my blog!

Finding a Niche

If I was mad about a certain sport, or food, or travelling, then I think I'd probably blog about that. To stand out, you need to do something different, or breathe new life into a blogging subject that has become stale and predictable. Otherwise, people just won't be interested in reading your blog.

Blogging Isn't Easy

At the moment, I'm just too busy with coursework and writing and real work to have time to blog as well. I think a lot of new bloggers don't realise quite how much effort you have to put into running a blog. You can't just have an idea and start typing — you need to think of a subject for each post, plan it, write a draft and then edit it as much as you'd edit a piece of prose.

If you just want to offload and moan about your day, keep a private journal!

Think About Your Audience

You need to know who you're writing for - or who you'd like to be writing for, at least. Are you blogging about things that your target audience will care about? Do you know who your target audience is? If not, you're probably not ready to start up a blog.

Reasons to Blog

  • Publicity — Blogging can be useful for authors who want to draw attention to their published work
  • Fun — Blogging should be a hobby, not a chore (unless you're doing it for publicity reasons).You should write because you want to write. If you don't like what you've written, how can you expect your readers to?
  • To be heard — If you've got an opinion on something, blogging is a great way of getting it out there.

Maketta Abdullah Profile

I love blogging but I have always loved to write. I also love to read and that's why I believe I love writing so much as well. I have two blogs. One is about internet marketing and the other is about natural health. I also love reading fellow bloggers blogs.

Don't get me wrong. Blogging is a lot of work but I still love it. I like that I have some place online where I can share what I am learning with other's and they can also share what they are learning or have learned with me also. I love that I can read people's comments from all over the world. It's such a great feeling. :)

Melinda Moore Profile
Melinda Moore , Blogger, answered

I've always kept a diary, ever since the age of eight, but I only started blogging when I was studying for a degree in Creative Writing and Visual Studies.

All the students were expected to blog, or interact on online forums etc, as part of the personal development part of our course - to show that we understood the internet, and that we could find ways in which we could use it to showcase our work.

However, my first two blogs mainly involved me moaning about things, or randomly listing my favourite songs - and they didn't get much of a readership, though I enjoyed writing them!

I blogged on a very ad-hoc basis in those days, only writing when I felt like it, so there was no pressure to do it, which probably helped.

By the time I finished my degree, though, I knew I wanted to be a novelist, but - when I researched how hard it was to find an agent, or a publisher - I almost gave up before I started. And then I had my great idea...

I thought that, if I wrote my partially-planned novel as a blog (as if it was happening in real-time), and also used Twitter to add to the narrative during each day, I could test out whether there would be enough readers who liked my writing to make it worth completing the novel.

It worked rather better than I expected, as a very popular blogger noticed my blog and then mentioned it to his following at the end of the first week I was writing it, and then lots of journalists started reading it too, and tweeting about it.

This was great, except that I was under pressure from that moment on - not just to turn out a perfectly-edited and amusing piece every single day of the year - but also to tweet, and to interact with a rapidly-growing number of followers, who all wanted to discuss what was happening in the story.

I was also aware by then that one of the key things that you must do, if you want your blog to develop a following, is to blog regularly - which meant that, having started off by writing a daily blog, a daily blog post was what I had to continue to deliver - whether I felt like it, or not. Often, I didn't - and the more stressful the whole thing became, the harder it was to come up with ideas, as pressure seems to really inhibit creativity.

So, by the end of the year during which I continued to write that particular blog, I was absolutely exhausted, having researched and written a 1000+ word blog post every single day, without a single day off. I'd also edited each post numerous times before it went live, as another key thing with blogging is that you must write to the highest standard you can possibly manage. All the time.

To add to the joy, I still hadn't earned a penny from what had become far more time-consuming than a full-time job!

On the upside, though, I'd also been short-listed for numerous blogging awards, and had ended up spoilt for choice as to which literary agent I was going to sign up with - so my blogging really did do the trick, given that finding a good agent had been my main aim all along.

Some time later, I also ended up selling the book based on the blog, on the back of a book proposal, rather than as a finished novel - which is very unusual these days, in the case of fiction.

Now, all I have to do is to actually write the wretched book - which has to be different from the blog - because publishers aren't likely to pay to publish something that's already been made available for free. (That was something else I'd overlooked when I first had my  so-called great idea.)

So, to sum up - I guess I blog to draw attention to my work, but also because it can be so much fun being part of the blogging community. I made loads of friends while doing it, was invited to lots of events I otherwise wouldn't have been, and even became a member of a secret society - of anonymous bloggers, who were all fairly well-known in real life, apart from me.

More importantly, I blog because it's the only way for a writer to really know whether their writing is any good, or not, unless they have an agent or publisher to tell them the truth.

It's certainly the only way I can think of for an unpublished writer to find out easily whether what they write is what people really want to read.

Sure, you can ask friends and family whether your writing is okay, but how honest can they really be, if they care about offending you? And, even if you study Creative Writing, or workshop your writing, you're still only putting your work in front of relatively-few people, all of whom know (and hopefully like) you.

So, if you really want to know whether people want to read your work, then there is no better way to find out - and to improve your work - than by blogging, in my opinion! There are over six million blogs, so it seems a lot of people agree with me, too - and the range of subjects they cover is amazing.

The fundamental thing for writers who might like to follow my example (if you're as crazy as I am) should bear in mind is that your work has to be what your readers expect, and what they want to read. After all, if they won't read your work for free, why would they ever want to pay for it?

The plus to this rather harsh comment is that, if you do find out that readers want to read your work for free, then agents and publishers are also likely to be interested in it - which might eventually make you some money!

One tip, though - if you are going to blog, don't blog daily, like I did. It's far better to blog less often - if you want to also have a life - but always on the same day, for example. That way, your readers know when to expect your next post, and the regularity with which you post helps to keep them engaged.

I don't blog my book any more at the moment, though I will start again in the run-up to publication, for the publicity, but - in the meantime - I do have another blog, so I guess you could say that I've still got the blogging bug. I use this one mainly to post visual images, though - as they make it much quicker to complete each post, and also help your blog to look good.

Crystal B.  Astrology Profile

My answer is simple - I love to write :-)  The topic I write about, however is not one that I can easily have a conversation with just anybody.  So I always have many different "astrological" thoughts that run through my mind on a daily basis.  Writing about them - helps me release my creative energy but it also helps others because I'm writing about topics that people can relate to.  I've been blogging now for over 2 years and it's just become part of my life.  Yes, I'm super busy!  I have a regular job, I run a business, I have 2 small children and I just finished writing a book!  However, I am passionate about what I write about - hence my push to keep at it - regardless of my readership!

Cristea George Cristian Profile
Cristea George Cristian , Freak Learner, answered

I learn from others reading their posts and that makes me teach my wisdom further. One day my wisdom will become someone else's knowledge and they will convert it into they own wisdom.

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

Many years ago (probably before the word "blog" had come into general use) I used to circulate stories about English life, Ghosts and History to a circle of about 2 dozen friends. I did it for the "buzz" (the "craic" to my Irish friends (if I still have any)).

Ten years on, I am still occasionally asked why I stopped doing it. - The fact is that I just got too busy doing other things.

The greatest buzz of all though was completely unexpected.

I'd written (what I believed to be) a humorous account of how Stonehenge was built - a few lines about cowboy builders, rolling stones on logs and a bunch of aspirational iron age men.

I'd sent it out, and a day or two later, I was getting mails from all over the place asking if there was any more (I got one from Australia!). People had been forwarding it on!

Since only my name and a brief description of me appeared in the story, these people must have spent time trying to find me and my e-address on the net.

I was quite flattered. Perhaps I'll do it all again one day - perhaps I'll finally write my book. :)

thanked the writer.
The Secret Father
Can you share that account of how Stonehenge was built on here?
Ray Dart
Ray Dart commented
I tried to - I included a tiny bit of the first chapter. It was rejected with a rather annoying message telling me that "comments are limited to 1500 characters. Ah well......
The Secret Father Profile

I started blogging after the birth of my first child. And in this sense I agree with what Lily Bradic has written above. It took something amazing to happen before I could find the neccessary passion required to write / blog extensively (I am still missing the authority though, because I am not sure anyone is a true authority on parenting!)

I had previously written long letters home whenever I was on deployment in foreign countries (I was an aid worker in a previous life) and I found that a cathartic way of organising my thoughts and giving friends and family back in the UK a perspecitve on the challenges and issues faced by people from other countries.

These days, as a daddy blogger I blog because a) there is so much going on in my head and b) I cant afford therapy!

So for me blogging is an incredible outlet for the myriad of emotions that accompany parenthood, and writing is a superb form of catharsis.

The added value comes when connections are made with other human beings. I get a massive buzz when a comment from a total stranger appears on a blog I have submitted telling me my blog post has lightened up their day or made them shed a tear.

In addition to the therapeutic aspect, knowing that my words can move another human being in such a way is the reason I blog.


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