If you want to add a celebrity as a friend on Facebook, and you don't see the words 'add as friend', how do you add them as a friend?


6 Answers

Katie Lele Profile
Katie Lele answered
Usually they are fake pages so just search up the celebrity on bing or something then they might have it there
Emma Jackson Profile
Emma Jackson answered
You can't add them, if add a friend is not available it means 1 of 2 things, either that they have too many friends and can't accept any more or they have made their profile private (most likey) to stop random adds
Beth Jayne Profile
Beth Jayne answered
Well firstly theyre probably a fake, so go onto their actual page and "like" it
Anon Anon Profile
Anon Anon answered
Think about it, they are followed by an army of cameras and video recorders, people watching and judging their every move every single day...they must want some privacy however a lot of Celebs have twitter and post daily to their fans, follow them there.
alicia grayham Profile
alicia grayham answered
Just go to their like page , if you don't see add as friend this means they might want their facebook account or page only for people who know them personally such as their close fiends or their family or maybe because its not accepting anymore friend requests .

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