Why is SMTP Important ? Why is FTP important ? Why is Ethernet IEEE 802 important?


2 Answers

Liam Rudge Profile
Liam Rudge answered
However... SMTP just stands for simple mail transfer protocol. It's one of a few email/communication protocols we use over the internet and our networks to send emails. FTP is what we call the file transfer protocol. This is more-or-less self-explanatory; but it's what we use to handle the process of transfer data across network interconnects amongst other protocols i.e. TCP/IP. Note: "Try researching on the OSI model which should help you understand more about the way networks communicate and handle the data being sent over the internet."
justin nadar Profile
justin nadar answered
Don't mind for me asking a question like this what do you know about networking if you don't know then go for www.cisco.com you will get all of your answers
thanked the writer.
Liam Rudge
Liam Rudge commented
Cisco is a network solution company, not a research facility. Chances are if they haven't got it on their sites they wont help you. Saying that though they do train people and have their own network courses so I guess you have a fair comment.
Anonymous commented
SMTP and FTP are in application lay in OSI and TCP/IP model.The designers decided to break down the whole complexity of data exchange and created five layers of functions to accomplish the goal. This approach helps develop and modify certain layers of code without touching other layers.For more detail,you can see this blog:

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