Examples of devices which use digital technology?


2 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
In order for a device to be classified as digital, it must utilize discontinuous values. Analogue is considered to be the contrast of digital. Analogue devices require continuous signals to be delivered to them. Many of the devices we use on a daily basis utilize digital technology. You might get up in the morning to the sound of a digital alarm clock's ringing. Next, you might cook your breakfast in a microwave that has a digital timer. Some washers and driers have digital timers as well. The GPS you might use to get to work has digital technology. You might rely on a digital watch to ensure you make it to work on time.

Most luxury electronics in existence utilize digital technology. Many people use digital laptops and computers to check their email, browse the internet, and play games. Digital tablets may replace laptops and notebooks in the future. Your phone might be a smartphone that uses digital technology. Modems that are used in computers and smart phones are digital devices. Most televisions that people own currently are digital televisions. MP3 players require digital technology to store and play digital music files. Most new models of cameras are digital cameras. Digital radios have become very popular recently because of their higher sound quality, and their convenience in choice. Digital electronics are usually considered be more advanced than analogue ones.

There are also very simple examples of digital devices. Beacons such as smoke signals and flag semaphore were especially popular in wartime as a means of communication. They are considered digital signals because the messages are not continuous. Morse code is a system of digital signals. Braille is technically a digital system that sight-impaired people use to read. Basically, digital signals began as uncomplicated objects and systems, but many people do not think of it this way.

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