How To Hack Migoland?


5 Answers

Amalia Syeda-Aguirre Profile
The online game, Migoland can be hacked in two ways.

The first hack is called the speed hack and to achieve this, a cheat engine will need to be downloaded. The most common cheat engine is called Cheat engine 5.5. Once downloaded, open the program and the home screen will appear. Click on the image of a computer in the top left hand corner. A dialog box will now open, which will contain a list of icons. The correct icon for the browser will need to be found, and this could take some time.

The only way to find it is by trying each icon individually. Select an icon and click open. If the correct icon appears, there will be an option on the right hand side of the screen called speed hack. Click this option and a speed bar will appear on the screen. Drag the speed bar up to 500, ensuring that Migoland is open and in play. Click apply and the game speed should increase dramatically, enabling the user to gain coins at a faster speed.

The second hack enables the user to add as many coins as they want, again by using Cheat Engine 5.5. Open Cheat Engine and find the game from the list of icons on the left hand side. Click on the game and insert the number of coins you have on the game screen. When you have entered this click scan and a list will appear with a number of different browsers, all with the same amount. Purchase something from the wardrobe within the game and repeat the above process within the cheat engine.

When the scan is complete there should only be one figure on the left hand side. Double click this figure and the value and details will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click value and you can insert any number into the box to obtain that many coins.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Look...I have a cheat!
Well :
First you have to download Firefox [I mean not to surf on explorer, log in in Migo land from firefox]
Then search in Yahoo -> Cheat engine
Find the version 5.6 and download it!
Then log into Migo land and go to your house
Open the cheat engine and click on a pc that you will see
Scroll up and find Firefox,open it
Then check the hack speed
Play caveman crusher again and again
Muhammad Ramzan Profile
Muhammad Ramzan answered

You can EASILY Hack Migoland using Lucky Patcher without Rooting Phone.

It is very easy to use lucky patcher without rooting but the chances may drop a little.

  1. Open lucky patcher apk and find the app you want to hack in app purchase.
  2. If in app purchases are available, you will "In app purchases found" below the app.
  3. Long click on the app or just tap on the app and click on "open menu of patches".
  4. Select "Support patch for In app and LVL emulation”.
  5. If there are google ads click for APK without Google ads.
  6. If there is a licence verification then go for APK without licence verification.
  7. Mainly it will tell what are found in the apps- purchases, licence, google ads.
  8. Now “Please Wait” so it can emulate it.
  9. Now you will see N1 success ,N2 success and may see N3 success and you will never see N4 success.
  10. Now do not Go to file.
  11. Backup your app using lucky patcher and UNINSTALL THE HACKED APP.
  12. Now open Storage/Android/Lucky Patcher/Modified. Now install it .
  13. If it is successful it would work if unsuccessful its your luck.
  14. Note you can patch only once. After that you have open the modified apk and then patch. :D
I aslo Hacked many game, You can easily get Lucky Patcher Mod Apk – Download Latest Version 2018. Click on link and Download and Enjoy.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know how to hack for money! (with cheat engine 5.6) but at other day youll lose some gold. For example you have 560 coins. You want hack with cheat engine 5.6. You got them but when you log off and login in again youll have 520 coins. ( don't do this because youll lose your money) any ideas how to play migo-land without being member?

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