
How To Get Cleo On Moshi Monsters?


18 Answers

Rebecca Hunt Profile
Rebecca Hunt answered
You will need to obtain the following seeds in order to get Cleo on Moshi Monsters:

Pink and Blue Crazy Dazies, and Yellow Snap Apple.

By gaining these seeds you will eventually be able to unlock Cleo. It is possible to buy these seeds in the game by going to the port. You will need one pink, two blue, and three yellow. It is also important that you do not have a rox flower, as this will stop you from getting Cleo.

Other ways to get Cleo would be to obtain the liberty purple love blue, star, red pepper, mini ben purple pepper, red magic, blue love cleo purple magic, red magic, yellow magic rocky red pepper, and black and purple apple according to one site.

Most use the first answer as a means to get Cleo. According to the information found, it is the simplest and most effective method. It is also within the parameters of the game which means you are not using cheats or other fake options to get what you desire in the game.

If you have a friend that no longer wants their Cleo in Moshi Monsters it can be transferred to you. This would be the second best method of getting Cleo from the game.

It is up to you to decide how you will go about getting Cleo from these answers. Hopefully, the above has been helpful. There are a variety of screen names that are also willing to help out in giving hints and even helping you get Cleo, since this game is based on 'friends' that you have. You will want to use caution and probably play with those you know rather than allowing strangers into your game play. It will take a bit of time for the Cleo to appear.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I know how to get cleo! You plant a blue daisy, pink daisy, and yellow apple! Plz add me ima member I'm beeyourself on moshi monsters add me! I can tell you more cheats!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
PInk Daisy
Blue Daisy
Yellow Apple
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chop chop 3 dragons its easy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Love blue, red pepper, and yellow star
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know 3 woldeys
rokey pink pepper pink dasie yellow love
liberty pink love yellow love black love
cleo not found out sadly
miny ben 3 black appals
and more down balow
snooksomes is 3 stars
chop chop is 3 dragon
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you know how to get cleo can you plz tell me! I think she is such a cutie and tell me the truth!!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know how to get Cleo on Moshi Monsters!!! It's easy!!!
Members only:  
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Umm I no a cheatto get any moshling you want so you just go to your moshling zoo (if you are a moshi mem) zoom nin 3 times then left click then show all then you will have it I did it to test and I wanted gingersnap then I got it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Liberty-purple love blue, star, red pepper
mini ben-purple pepper, red magic, blue love
cleo-purple magic, red magic, yellow magic
rocky-red pepper, black and purple apple
finlay Profile
finlay answered
Pink daisy
yellow apple
blue daisy

p.s add me I'm 007poo and I have 28 moshlings with 2 sets complete happy
monstering!! - :crazy

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