
Where Do You Find A Firestone In Soul Silver?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1) Getting 1st Place in Bug Contests (Tues.,Wed, Thurs.)
2) Bill's Grandfather
3) Route 36 Schoolboy Alan will call you and give you one. (P.S. Don't know when because I've been waiting forever!)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would recommend the pokeathlon because no matter what you get points to spend there and if you save them up you can get: Rare candys, Moonstones and other evolution stones, scarfs, etc.! I h8 doing to Bug-catching contest, though, because you never win and losers only get Shed Skins. -.- those r a waste of time 2 me and also the kid (School Kid Alan) on route 36 is a waste because after you battle him he will tell you something like "I'm always walking and reading my textbook and I find all sorts of stuff! Why don't we trade numbers and I can call you if I find anything.....-yes or no-" I said yes and I have been waiting 3 weeks 4 him 2 call me!!! I call him everyday (don't do this its a pain and doesnt solve anything) and he always says: "... ...Hello. This is Alan...How's it going, -name-? I haven't picked up anything yet. I'll call you if I find something. Click!" the first time I did this I yelled at the DS. -.- pretty immature yeah, but I only would recommend doing the pokeathlon if you want a Firestone FAST! If you wana waste your life (and time) doing the contest or calling Alan 5 minutes a day, then thats your choice (especially if you want shed-skins and "I haven't found anything yet."s 4 like 20 days because bug-catching contests r hard!!!! So do the pokeathlon you will b happy with the results
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Two ways:

1- Getting first place in Bug Catching Contest
2- Route 36, a guy will call and give you firestone
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to the pokemon battledome or pokeathlon whatever its called. Even if you don't get 1st place you will get points and on certain days you can get certain stones
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
On the magnet train

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