How To Paste A Picture On A Body?


2 Answers

Pippa Corbett Profile
Pippa Corbett answered
Pasting an image into another image can be done in different ways depending on the program you're using.

For software like MS Paint, you can simply copy (ctrl+c) a picture and then paste (ctrl+v) it into a window with another picture file in it.

For a high-quality cutting and pasting, you may want to use a image editing tool like Adobe Photoshop. How to paste a picture onto someone's body

There's nothing funnier than copying someone's face in one image - and then pasting it onto the shoulders of a different body.

This way, you can create monstrosities like John C. Reilly's face on John McCririck's body. You can also make delightful creations like Orlando Bloom's face on Justin Timberlake's body.

To do this on Adobe Photoshop, you simply need to follow these steps:

  • Choose the area you would like to put the second image into
  • Copy the second image into the clipboard (by right clicking on the mouse and selecting 'copy')
  • Paste the second image into the area you've created
  • Resize the image you've just pasted using the 'free transform' tool
These steps should be pretty straight-forward once you're doing them in Photoshop, but if you're struggling, I'd recommend loading up to help guide you along the way.

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