
Who Started ''?


2 Answers

Muddassar Memon Profile
Muddassar Memon answered was started by Tom Anderson in July 2003. It is basically a social networking website offering interaction, user-submitted network of friends. My space also offers an internal search and e-mail system.
The head quarters of my are located in Santa Monica, California, USA. It also has a branch in New York City.

It right now holds the position of fourth most popular website in the world; also hold the record for sixth most popular web site in English language in the world and is the third most famous web site in USA.

The web-site has gained popularity over the period of time and has been the only web-site to achieve 80% visits on regular basis as compared to other web-sites of the same theme. It has grown on a large scale and become an influential part of modern English speaking nations.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aah wow some people have to much time on their hands. People that is what cell phones are for

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