Can I Unlock Nokia 1208 Tesco Mobile?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unlock your nokia 1208  free of charge?

There are more people on the web conning people with this scam than anything else.

I tried all the codes for my four tesco locked nokia 1208 mobiles after 5 tries the mobile locks and you have a big problem.

If you want to be a millionaire quick just put a notice on unlocking guaranteed £1 for your nokia 1208
a million people will send you a pound so quickly in a week or so you have a million quid  and still no unlocked mobile

they send you any code they want and you can do nothing about it.

You wont take them to court for a pound.

Be careful   just go to any market see the guys with unlocking software the new 1208 id difficult to unlock and costs £10 to do  some do it for a fiver but its done and works.

Tesco are not stupid selling you this phone locked to their network for £17.98p with a tenner credit on it.

Its because they got thr hungary software firm (this is where they come from if you look on the box) to lock the phones with a new programme.

Be careful don't send money to these sharks advertising unlock codes its the biggest scam on the net

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unlock codes that work for nokia 1208

I have used all these so called unlock codes I had 4 tesco 1208 nokias ans all the codes people give you are rubbish

I ended up with 4 locked mobiles and have to pay £40 to get these unlocked
not worth it they still work on the poor tesco network.

Don't waste money trying to get a code these companies send you any code and take your money.
The latest 2009 1208 can not be unlocked with a code as tesco got hungary programmers (thats where the phones come from) to lock them with another method.

Some can not be unlocked at all.

Report any company selling you a code which does not work just think for every million that send them £1.79p for a code (which does not work) they are making 1.79 million quid  nice con eh?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I bought tesco mobile 1208 but want 2 stay wit o2 where will I get unlocking code
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi dude,
I assist you here to unlock 1100, before that I would like to give you
some safety instructions to save mobile, once the mobile locked do not
enter code any more because it lead the mobile to unusable. And walkin to certified
service center or visit this site to unlock your mobile
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Networks charge quite a high price for unlocking your mobile so my advice is find someone local that unlocks them most charge aprox £10-£15 try a market place, or ring around your local mobile retailers and ask where the best place is to have your mobile unlocked.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you've had phone for over 3 months and spent over £25 call tesco customer care and they will give you code for free but they will take between 5 and 28 days to do so.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tried to unlock my new tesco 1208 using the method & code above but phone says 'code error'

might work on older models but didn't work for me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It take 1 minute to unlock a Nokia 1208 with Nokia software - take it to a mobile shop and not pay more than $10. If  mobile is running company firmware then just ask them to load in the basic Nokia.
I live in Asia and phone locking don't exist because they don't rip customers off same in west
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To unlock this phone, first insert a different sim card (such as your vodafone one). You may get a screen which reads 'sim not valid' or similar. It may also have an 'undo' option. If this appears, click 'undo'. Then begin the process below. If no options appear, simply begin the process regardless from the 'sim not valid screen'.

1. Press the '#' key;
2. Press the '*' (star) key 3 times;
3. The letter 'p' should appear on screen;
4. Press the '*' key 4 times;
5. The letter 'w' should appear on screen;
6. Press the '*' key twice;
7. A '+' sign should appear on screen;
8. Enter the unlock code: 151562700738452;
9. Press the '*' key twice;
10. A '+' sign should appear on screen;
11. Press '7' on your keypad;
12. Press the '#' key.

Your phone should now be unlocked for use with any activated SIM card, although you may need to re-set the time and date fields. Be sure to back up any data on your phone or SIM card before going through this process, just to be sure you don't loose anything, although you shouldn't have a problem.

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