How Can I Check My Cell Phone Text Messages From This Computer?


45 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unfortunately it isn’t possible to check your cell phone text messages from your computer.  The only information that is stored on your online cell phone account is an itemized bill with the date and time a text was sent and the phone number it was sent to, but not the content of the text message that was sent.  If your phone is damaged, lost or stolen, there are still a few ways you can carry on receiving text messages sent to your cell phone:

If you notice a fault with your phone, or it is has been damaged, then immediately remove the SIM card.  This means that any new text messages sent to your number will wait to be delivered until you put your SIM into a new phone. Unless you are able to get your phone fixed then all the messages already on the phone will be lost, but removing the SIM card as soon as possible will ensure the you don’t lose any new messages.

If you phone is stolen or lost, then the same principal applies, but you don’t have the phone to remove the SIM card.  So instead you need to call the company you have a contract with and ask them to block the SIM immediately and send a new one out.  Once you put your new SIM into a new phone you will start receiving text messages sent since the SIM was blocked.  However as mentioned above, it won’t be possible to retrieve old text messages stored on the device lost or stolen.

So although it isn’t possible to check your cell phone text messages from your computer, you can still receive new text messages if your cell phone is lost, stolen or damaged using your SIM card and another handset.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a parent trying to check my daughter text message on phone because she have deleted them.I am trying to check and she if she have been texting a boy that I have forbidden her to see.
thanked the writer.
katie bowen
katie bowen commented
Thats not nice a 12 yr old girl and i dont want my parents going through my stuff thats waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy over protective lady!! That invading her personal space. Just think, would you like your daughter to go online and go through all of your personal I didnt think so!!!!!!
Jade Berge
Jade Berge commented
You can use iKeyMonitor, not bad.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How can I get all the history from my phone to my email address texts messages all numbers all incoming, outgoing calls
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wont to check my message from my cell phone from this computer
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a parent and I like to know who my kids are talking to and sending text to and getting them too
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm fifteen years old and my mother is my WORST enemy. My parents are divorced and my dad pays my phone bill. My mom will often take my phone at different times of the day, when I'm not paying attention, or just honestly for no reason at all just to check my messages. I have NOTHING to hide because honestly I don't really care about what my mom says or does, but it really makes me feel like she doesn't allow me to have any privacy. NEVER have I done anything to get myself into trouble and when it comes down to it, I have more respect for my mom then I do any other human being. BUT! She has now taken it to far, and not only is she taking my phone and reading my texts, but she will sometimes text my friends BACK because she doesn't like what THEY'RE saying .. As if it's in my control what comes out of THEIR mouth. Because she has become so nosey, I'm leaving. I'm fifteen years old and a freshman in high school and I'm going to be living with my father for the first time in almost ten years because my mom doesn't give me any space or time to myself. If my mom will simply ask me what I was up to instead of invading my privacy and screaming at me, then I would tell her anything in the world. DON'T SPY. JUST TALK TO YOUR KIDS - THEY'LL TALK BACK.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
That is so true my mom took my phone away one day after my dad bought it for me and she didnt pay her phone bill so now she is using my phone and being really nosy idk why she took it but I am trying to be more responsible and do all of my chores and I am pretty sure I am going to get my phone back soon
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't spy on your kid.  That's really bad parenting.  She won't trust you at all anymore (and rightly so) and you will be completely shut out of her life.  Believe me, it won't help "keep her safe" either.  She'll just get sneakier and more belligerent which will put her in even more danger.  

If you are concerned, TALK TO HER.  I know it sounds cliche, but it's really all you can do.  You should be able to tell if something is wrong.  Tell her exactly why you are concerned but don't exaggerate the dangers.  You might be surprised at how agreeable your daughter is when you share your concerns in a logical way.  Also really listen to what she has to say if she disagrees.  Remember, she wants what's best for herself too even if she doesn't always know what that is.  Your job is to guide her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey parents, maybe you should have considered not allowing your kids to have phones in the first place before you start spying on their personal conversations
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To those who don't believe in privacy: Be careful, your children will come to resent you if you aren't careful. Talk to them first, but if you believe their behavior is suspicious, ask them to hand their phone over to you. If they seem suddenly suspicious and nervous about it, then you know it probably isn't good. However, if they suddenly hand it over with no objections, you have little reason to be concerned. Children CAN be sneaky, whether by changing the name in their contacts to simply using someone else's phone; this might not be the best solution, but it can give you a clue as to what is happening.

To those who do: Unless your parents are attempting to control every aspect of your life, they really just care about you and want to help you. A child shouldn't be allowed to roam free, as much as I would wish that to be true (I'm only 14 myself) but I agree that we should be given a little more trust than that, especially if you are a good kid and don't give any reason to be untrustworthy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are a couple of softwares available online that sunchronize your phone and computer, so that you can access your phonebook and message inbox on your computer and read or delete information as you like. I'm pasting a link, you can look for a free version if you are not willing to pay. This is the
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god ppl.. Give it up.. Not everyone is wanting to spy on kids or whatever..
Some ppl really need help with there cells.. My screen stoped working on mine n
I am waiting for a txt from my boyfriends coz that is coming.. Is there a way to
view txt messages by useing your computer??? If so.. Can someone please tell me..
It is MY CELL.. My kids r too young to have so no worries about mommy trying
to spy.. I just really need n want my txt n a few #s off of it..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Parents: It is surreal to believe the extent to which you would go to "keep tabs" on your kids. An open foundation will thwart most  serious problems you will have with your children. An atmosphere which allows freedom to discuss anything with you opens many doors. Granted all kids are not the same but this works on all kids to a good degree.

Kids: For parents who have lost their children it is impossible to know anything about their lives. They often don't talk to them even if the parent tries to understand. Measures need to be taken to temper the child and GUIDE them to the right path, which most of time the child does not see.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you trust your kids then don't spy them idiot. Pity the kids with parents like you, action did not align with words.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 17, and I'm obviously responsible enough to keep my phone. Cause' the way my parents and I see it. If your at the point where you need to check your kids phone, because your scared of what they could be doing. Then they shouldn't have a cell phone at all.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I say don't buy phones in the first place. Kid's should earn the phones when they can earn money.
Jay Person Profile
Jay Person answered
How to check erased messages from your cell phone? If you have sprung for the I-phone, then it may be possible to retrieve them from the cell phone with help from a service representative. It may be possible with other phones but I doubt it, you'll likely have to contact the service provider and start asking questions and be prepared to wait for answers. The new I-phones have GPS in them, and if you really want to keep tabs on your spoiled little kids easily and cheaply, just download the Gmail application, put their google email address in (you can make one for them and their phone), and boom you can find them anywhere anytime, and give privacy the middle finger forever.
It's hilarious that there are 12 year olds on this thread trying to give "advice" to parents about how to deal with their children. When I was a teenager, only a few kids out of a thousand had those bulky over-sized cell phones, I couldn't have cared less because I was a KID and had other things to worry about. Now every child seems to think it's their right to have one, and they act like it's oh so wrong for their parents (who provide this service to these spoiled brats for some odd reason) to check up on their phone habits. "Spying" on them, like you're being accused of, is a harsh way to say it -- you're hopefully checking up on them to keep them (and yourself) out of trouble and there's nothing wrong with that, but if you are that worried and that strict, or if you're afraid that your child is texting someone you don't approve of, then DON'T BUY THEM CELL PHONES, it's that simple. Do as much personalized "parenting" as you can every chance you get, because cell phones have never been a necessity to raise your child, and they never will be. YOU are the parent. If they are breaking your rules, then maybe you shouldn't have bought them the cell phone after all. People were saying how worried they were about my generation, with computers opening up new ways to waste time. But I'm more worried about this generation. Still, let's remember that these are children, and they will grow up eventually as good adults, if you raise them to become one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My parents have gps on my phone and they check my messages every night and have some how figured a way by going to our provider that they can receive any text messages I do by e-mail. I'm 16 this has been going on for a while and it makes me feel like my parents have no trust and I haven't done ANYTHING to make them not trust me so honestly A. It hurts and B. It's an invasion of privacy. Your kids going to resent you for doing it, I know I do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My tmobile cell has been turned off but I want to take my boyfriends picture off my cell and put it on my lab top
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You I'm 12 yr old boy and my parents don't look through my phone and if I was your kid I would put a lock on it whenever they arent using it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would check my cell phone text messaging by typing in the number to the phone in witch I was trying to read what was wrote to save or store.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok how would you parents like it if your kid went through your personal belongings? Its a tough age if you think you have to keep tabs on them, don't let them have a cell phone plain and simple =/
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When you become parents, and your child becomes belligerent, sneaky, and has proven time and again they are OUT OF CONTROL by doing all things they are not supposed to be doing at 15 years old... Then yes. As a parent, you MUST keep tabs on them. It is for their SAFETY for gods sake. Those "kids" out there commenting that parents need to give kids their privacy have no idea what parents could be dealing with. WE as parents can be SUED or ruined financially for the rest of our lives over allowing kids their privacy. Try to think like an adult for once. My god. This is the sick world we live in. Unreal! Where in the Bill of Rights does it give the CHILD complete control over their own lives?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
THE BILL OF RIGHTS!?! Where in the bill of rights does it say parents have the right to observe children's texts. I say unless you show your kids your texts then you should not be able to see thiers.
Anonymous commented
Yeah, what they do when they are older depends on how they were raised. Bad parenting= bad kid. Guess what that makes you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am young and still a child. I think that I know it all but I don't. Just because our parents WANT to see our phone doesnt give them the right to see it. Yeah okay sure. They pay the bills and they are the adults but we need our privacy....! Remember when they were young and they would hate it if thier parents were ALWAYS SPYING OR WANTING TO KNOW EVERYTHING. I MEEN THINK ABOUT IT, we already have progress book. They can check our grades we already have a certain time when we have to come home or whatever. Next thing you know where going to have chains hanging from our necks rapped around thier hands!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you want to be like big brother on the kids you can always set up google latitude on their and your mobile then you can keep track of them so no more telling porkies of there where abouts as it pin point them out on a gps map hey and its free
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Regardless of your kids using their phones for unjust purposes, the matter of the fact is if you read your kids texts than most likely your a paranoid hermit who has nothing better to do than search for a reason to punish your child. If this is the case you should just put the gun to your head now for your destin to be alone for the remainder of your miserable existance. :D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wut do I do I took some bad pics and sent them to a bf and now my mom took my fone away I'm scared wut do I do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't spy on your kid.  That's really bad parenting.  She won't trust you at all anymore (and rightly so) and you will be completely shut out of her life.  Believe me, it won't help "keep her safe" either.  She'll just get sneakier and more belligerent which will put her in even more danger.  

If you are concerned, TALK TO HER.  I know it sounds cliche, but it's really all you can do.  You should be able to tell if something is wrong.  Tell her exactly why you are concerned but don't exaggerate the dangers.  You might be surprised at how agreeable your daughter is when you share your concerns in a logical way.  Also really listen to what she has to say if she disagrees.  Remember, she wants what's best for herself too even if she doesn't always know what that is.  Your job is to guide her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How's this for reason, My then 14 year old son got formerly charged by the parents of a then 11 year old girl for soliciting child pornography then distributing it online? Is that reason enough for tracking what your kids are doing? To the 12 year old brat, think again about locking your parents out. A hammer and a canceled account would fix this problem fast. The long and the short of it is, they should be allowed cell phones when they are old enough to sign the contract. Simply don't make the mistake. They can't be governed so why give them the tools to get themselves into the mess or worse, Dead? The reality is, You CAN get into their gps and track them. They give out their number, they become a victim. It's as easy as that. I tracked a woman that was sending my husband rude texts when I got my hands on her number. Verizon gives you these tools as do most other companies if you know where to look. My opinion in this matter is to get rid of the phones, get off your butt and become active with them so you know first hand where they are. Talk to their friends parents when the child is to be there. For God's sake, check up on them. They are preprogrammed to lie if they know the truth will get them in trouble.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its preety sad when I can act more mature then some people in this thread, including parents (I'm 12).  Parents: Don't invade your childs privacy, they wouldn't be doing bad things (if they were even) if you treat them as young adults, they won't this-obey you if you treat them this way (it might be too late for some of you though). If you didn't realize it yet, their bad behavior is because of you. Now to the kids: Respect your parents and their ability to tell you what to do, don't be a rebel. If you respect them and show them that you would do nothing bad, then they won't invade you privacy.   To everyone: My parents trust me because I have done nothing wrong. And I DO pay a good majority of my phone bill, and we aren't the richest family either. Hopefully people will take my advice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all, the parents pay the monthly bill, not the child.  It is a privilege not a right to have a phone despite what kids think.  This is exactly where it should start.  YOU ARE KIDS!!!!You think you know everything when you have not a single clue.  If it is for your child's protection (especially when the child's behavior is suspicious), don't let spoiled little kids try to make you feel bad for MONITORING NOT SPYING.  If it is just to be snooping, then that is an issue.  IF there is nothing to be concerned over, then why would you have to hide it?  I will gladly hand over my phone to my daughter because I have nothing to hide.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
So you are saying that , you child should not have any privacy ?
Ya know, and forbidding her to see a boy ? Child hood is about learning from mistakes...
And ya it is spying it is illegal to go through someone elses phone regardless of age .
If you dont trust your kid and you think her behavior is weird or off zone ... Maybe she should not have a cell phone .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Listen..Everyones complaining about this, and I'm not trying to take a side or anything, But why would you want to spy on your kid? Its your child, You should trust them. Yes, If they are, Or were doing drugs/Alcohol, Or your child has had a stalker/Is having one..Then thats where this would be acceptable. If you have a problem about something, Or you think your child is acting differently..Go and talk to them. Parents would be really surprised on how honest thier children could be, To them. I'm personally a 16 year old, Girl. I absolutely hate my mother. My parents are divorced, But that doesnt mean she can't check up on my messages, Or see what I'm doing every now and then to make sure I'm safe.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because we want to see what you little punks are doing and guess what punk - it's our right as a parent!! So suck it up little boy!!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Punk, punk, punkidy, punk punk!!!! Grrrrrr im an angry parent that likes to yell at little children!!!! Wow dude, stop being such a bully.
Aaron Richardson
Aaron Richardson commented
Fine, then...punk....let your little...punk go through all your personal things.....THEN. And ONLY have the right to go through your litlle...punks...things
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All of you are complaining about spying and such.But why are you in this forum?No one has actually actually answered the question at hand.How?
thanked the writer.
Janet Day
Janet Day commented
Thats what Im talking about. I suddenly have a white screen on my phone and it don't show anything. It still rings, if volume is up or silencer isn't on. But you don't know who or what number is calling. Nor read or retrieve any text msg. Nor can you get into contacts to retrieve any phone numbers saved. Is there a way to retrieve any msg's or pictures or contacts or any way to get screen to start working again?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is just wrong parents shouldnt have 2 check kids txt messages you ik I'm a 12 year old who just got a phone for my bday n now my rents want 2 c what I have been txting I have been txting this one boy who acts like an older bro 2 me we just joke around but id want them thinking theres something going on between us I mean we met on the school bus n we started hanging out from there we act like sibilings were really close we txt every nite n sometimes in the aftnoons and stuff like that I mean hes the only 1 I txt hes everything 2 me now. I don't like him in a like like way but I like him as a bro we have bromance oh you. Parents should have trust in there children unless your children has done something wrong for a while n continously does it n doesnt stop then I understand I mean you iv done things like that my mom and dad are awesome but sometimes   I feel like we don't have the money since my dad has cancer but I feel like parents should have trust it is our conversation they shouldnt get into it! >:(

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