
I Kill Watch Batteries. I Recently Had My Laptop On My Lap. It Won't Go Black. It Won't Work Now. I Almost Killed My Daughters The Same Day. What Is It With Me? What Am I Doing?


13 Answers

Ann Smith Profile
Ann Smith answered
I have blown through cell phones, Nooks, etc. And there is no explanation.  What works fine for my husband, I drain in no time.  It's definitely something in the body, and not psychological.  We can't "make things drain"  by using our mind.  And we cannot imagine the cell  phones being drained when we have to buy new ones time and again.  It's not a choice we are making.  It's just what is happening.  Since September, I have been through three Nooks.  All of them have not held a charge.  Are you telling me I bought three defective Nooks in a row?  I am allergic to metal (many years ago I was allergic to my braces, as was diagnosed by an MD, had to have a hernia replacement removed due to the metal in it, etc.).  Not sure if that also plays a part in this, but there are definitely people who have something in their biology that affect batteries in stuff.  I wish we knew what it was.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I do not think anyone has mental problems when they have problems about electricity. People blame mental problems on everything. As I sit here and type, I feel a zing like feeling through my hands from my laptop! I kill my cell phone battery in a day, I have blown electricity in about everything I can think of! But I am also  very sensitive to my world! Weather changes, paranormal activity, emotions of others. I am very sane ! I have a gift that others don't. So before anyone believes they need help, google things like "sensitivity to electricity" you will find out much more! Thanks!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I love this post as I to have not worn a watch in years. My normal body temperature is a little lower than normal as is my blood pressure. I wear silver jewelry. Gold turn my skin dark, causes a rash and makes my ears weep like cheap jewelry. I can not tell you how many times I have had to replace my hard drive on my computers. Laptops go faster then desk top but they still fail within a year or more. So far cell phones hold up pretty well. The batteries tend to go faster than normal but I always keep them in a case of some type for protection. I am also an empath. I am sensitive to human energy and can usually feel if someone is the room with me and I tend to pick up on the emotions on others near me. I am an intelligent professional and these are observations I have made of myself over the years. I have always wondered if I was alone. I am glad to finally find there are others like me. Thank You.
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Anonymous commented
I also have a low body temperature, low blood pressure, I cannot wear a watch with batteries, I am extremely sensitive to others.....interesting that we have many of the same conditions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know what you're doing, but evidently I'm doing it, too, or something similar.

I've tried all of the suggestions I've heard: Having an electrician check wiring, using humidifiers, changing my shoes and clothing... I've lived in more than a dozen different houses, in two different climates. I find it hard to believe that it's environmental. I've changed phones, and carriers. I don't think it's "static electricity" either.

Something in my body drains batteries, messes up cell phones, and sometimes causes computers to do things that techs "have never seen before." When the top IT guy at the college can't figure it out... I don't give too much significance to the freak computer occurrences, (computers could just be junk; they mess up all the time for lots of people), but I know the battery thing is consistent. Cell phone batteries, watch batteries, AA batteries - they just are not safe around me LOL. My husband and I can start the day with brand-new, fully charged batteries in both of our phones, spend the day together, not use the phones at all, and at the end of the day, my phone battery is dead and his has lost one bar on the battery meter, at the most. Sometimes my phone doesn't ring, and voice mails arrive a few days after they're left for me. We've had three different sets of phones now, a couple of different brands, and even with different carriers, and the same things happen to my phone, but not to my husband's phone. We can even switch phones - if he's carrying it, it works fine; if I have it on me, it's iffy. Who knows. It would be nice if things would work around me the way they should, though.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This happens to a lot of people.  I too kill watch batteries very quickly. Everyone is made up of energy, yours is just stronger and interfering with the devices you are using. I would use it to your advantage. I would meditate on it and look into some ways you may be able to use this positive energy in a good way. My guess would be you are very psychic and intuitive, you are probably very sensitive to others and can tell when things are out of sorts with people. It's not a bad thing!
cRUZ Ramirez Profile
cRUZ Ramirez answered
I too run my cells phones down easily, I do have to wear silver not gold cause it turns my fingers black.  I have very hard sense towards others oras,feelings, what is going there was a time where I was in the 11 stage...9:11,11:11;1:11 etc. What should we do? Where should we go...AND MY SENSE OF SMELL oh my god ITS OF THE ROOF, SENSE OF HEARING THE SAME!!!
Shadow Gothical Profile
Shadow Gothical answered
Some people have higher electricity fields than others, and you could be one of the few who do have the stronger field. With this field, you can try to minimize it by using your mind. The field can be also triggered by certain emotions like anger, love and other emotions.... I hope this has helped a bit
FROM: Plutopian
mrs flores Profile
mrs flores answered
Draining batteries in cell phone, all of my watches I ever bought brand new all go dead here. You are not craaaazy or with mental problems. Some of us have higher magnetic energy forces in our bodies that do it. If we all had the same energy patterns, the cell phone business and watches would never make money! I only use my phone at home. My mom says I'm like a dead person not ever ansering the phone. I get my messages and voice mails days later. My cell phone will be fully charged and after I talk to one person it drains out. So those of you so its all mental and making fun of it with a wire connected to your are colse-minded mental people!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

All my battery run watches are in a drawer, bc they only work for a few days then quit. I stopped wearing them when my husband bought me a kinetic watch by citizen. It worked for years, till my eyesight got worst and it was hard to see the face of it. One day I left it by the pool and some body took it. Made me sad, I didn't wear a watch for years till my husband bought me a purple one, too bad it was battery runned. I can wear it for only a few days and had to put it in a drawer till I bought a new battery for it. I wore it after the instillation of the new battery and two days later it lost a significant amount of time. So I thought I would do an experiment and set the time and leave it in the car. After a week it still keeping time, then I put it on for a day or two same thing happens it stops or looses time. So now I leave it in the car and if I am wearing purple that day I will wear it, which is almost each day.. And I leave it in the car before I get out. So now my battery runned purple watch lives in the car and I can wear it for a day. At least my husband isn't disappointed in a gift he bought me. Yes, I am very sensitive to people too, sometimes too much.  Sorry I have shared too much..

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Could be a coincidence or like the other poster, you have a strong field around you. I wouldn't go off thinking that you have a super power, maybe get your computer checked, it might not be you. Maybe you have faulty outlets?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In a bathtub half full of water, mix 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 table spoon of baking soda. Soak in it for at least 10 min. Try that daily.

If that doesn't work get some wire, wrap it around your toes (make sure a metal end is touching your toes (electrical tape (small piece) and wire touching your toes should do it)) - run that out your shoe to the bottom of your foot, make sure the metal wire touches the ground - this should ground you out and is easily hidden.
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
You seem to have some psychological problem. There are strong reasons behind what you feel about electricity. You must see a psychiatrist to address this thinking.
thanked the writer.
mrs flores
mrs flores commented
Draining batteries in cell phone, all of my watches i ever bought brand new all go dead here. You are not craaaazy or with mental problems. Some of us have higher magnetic energy forces in our bodies that do it. If we all had the same energy patterns, the cell phone business and watches would never make money! I only use my phone at home. My mom says im like a dead person not ever ansering the phone. I get my messages and voice mails days later. My cell phone will be fully charged and after i ta

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