How Do People Hack Into Other People's Computers?


22 Answers

jerome penn Profile
jerome penn answered
Now more is known about computers, hacking into them can in some cases become a lot easier if someone does not have the correct firewalls and protection. There are now many ways that people can hack into other people’s computers. This can either be by using your wireless internet service to then gain access to your ‘C’ drive, hacking into your password-protected systems and files, or simply sending you an email with a dangerous attachment for you to open, providing them with unauthorised access to your whole computer.

It is for these reasons why you should ensure that you invest in the correct firewalls, virus protection and security-enabled wireless Internet services. If someone is successful in hacking into someone else’s computer, they will be able to access their bank accounts and all personal documents that could include both private and important information about their jobs or contact details.

The key is to outsmart the hacker. Include symbols and numbers in your password as opposed to just using words that can be guessed if the hacker is persistent enough. Making sure that you don’t open any emails that look suspicious and give you false promises is going to ensure that your computer isn’t going to get hacked into. They will have access to you e-mail and possibly computer if you do this.

Being aware of how people hack into other people’s computers is going to ensure that you do not become a victim to whichever method the hacker tries to gain access to your home or work computer. Be ahead of the game with firewalls and extra protection with difficult passwords. Investing time into being vigilant could prevent your life savings and credit cards from being jeopardised unnecessarily.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In the past, to be described as a "hacker" was a compliment. It just meant that you were a really good computer programmer.

However, in recent years, the word has come to be used to describe someone who remotely gains entry to anther person's computer, or to an organisation's computer system, in order to wreak mischief, and possibly for personal gain.

The methods for getting into another person's system are numerous. There are password cracking techniques, for example programs that will simply try every word in the dictionary , that allow a hacker to find out a person's password, and thus start to use their bank account, email account, or whatever.

Another method is to send the intended victim an email with an attachment. If the person downloads the attachment, their computer is then re-programmed to allow access to the hacker, who can then take a look at what is on the computer. Also, a program called a "keylogger" can be downloaded by this method, and then the hacker will know what keys of the keyboard the victim is typing.

There are many firewalls available that will protect your computer from this sort of attack.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I realize i have a person hacking my computer, i have had settings changed and command prompt put in my start up menu, i have an idea who is doing it, but would like to know how i can go about catching the person, and what can i do to get him out of my computer.
Anonymous commented
The firewalls are only a temperary fix a skilled professional hacker would quite easly bulldoze through them the truth is there is no way to stop a determent hacker they will just stay up all night making a new program and try again the next day u can just hope u dont ever catch urself downrange from a pro although they are of a rare breed and main stick with hard systems and not home desktop pc's
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
People hacking is very easy to do, to avoid this been happening to you, 1- do not open mail (msn hotmail facebook ect) that you don't know, (as soon you open the message or mail, it act like a open do)or to your computer or a virus) 2- don't download nothing that you don't know (check before DL) and most importantly 3 - DO not sign up for somthing you don't know. P.s you can not track or catch a pofessional hacker, he will have signals on signals to countrys, I will take you years on years to get the person, trust me. Erm oi another not every firewall is same, iv done a test and iv cracked somones hacker/virus system worth 130pounds - 210 dollors, don't worry I contact the person to change his system (no police was involved he was thanked)
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I no wat u mean about finding hackers i dont no ne1 in perticular but i no there are people who spend half their lives rerouting their ip through loads of different servers and even hacked pc's they then spend the other half hacking and getting away with it
Calla Profile
Calla answered
Just don't.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got hacked simply because someone on my friends list on xbox live sent me a message saying download this xbox-gamertag modder which is what I was after... So I downloaded it and then when I opened it nothing game up.. However I was on face book and signed in to msn and then they both signed out so I thought this is weird so I join this persons party and when I was in there I heard them talking about them controlling my computer =O... So I knew it was them I downloaded Kaspersky Anti virus did a full scan.. Took several hours but got there... And then I reprted the issue to the hotmail account support and sent them every detail I could on a different computer and now I'm just hoping to get my account back =/
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Man hard luck but no offence this is the main way people get hacked u shouldnt check out or download neting ur not sure of and at very least make sure the person who tells u to do it is in arms reach so u can kick the s*** outa him if something happens
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can turn off,logg off,or restart a computer for just a ip adress wha happens if you take it fearther I'm sure you can see what people are typeing the govment do it all the time.somepeople look at how to make bombs and the american govment check up on this all it takes is one leak of the soft where so yea I think people can. I evan got a app on my phone where I can controll my computer from my ip adress.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know but  its bad man,  my cousin hacks I tell him IT IS WRONG!!!!! BUT HE DOES NOT give a crap!!! He said he uses a software to send a virus
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Any of you who claim to know the first thing about cracking anything obviously know nothing about the workings of a computer. Those here who claim to have the knowledge and skills to breach a system need to go back to their barbie dolls. 

No one who can do so would be boasting about it on such a blog, as it is a felonious crime. And a note to those who believe they have awesome hacking skills: Running simple commands through the CMD or downloading and using a program of which you do not understand the workings of only makes you a regular computer user with tainted ambitions.

Why don't one of you explain to me the TCP/IP stack and how you manipulate it to launch an attack? When you answer this question, you might be taken more seriously than a royal fool.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

For Exhibition I'm learning about Enternet I like this because I whant
to learn abous Enternet In Enternet there is Yahoo , Google , Hotmail and

The decline in CAPTCHA efficacy has been an ongoing story in 2008, as
hackers and malware authors have steadily found ways to chip away at the
protection these security practices were once thought to offer. Now, new
findings indicate that both Gmail and Windows Live Hotmail have been
compromised again, this time via a more-streamlined attack process. With
two of the largest webmail providers once again vulnerable, CAPTCHAs
clearly aren't meeting the security needs of either company, and it may be
time to reevaluate the use of them altogether.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can someone hack into my mother's computer and no what she is typing on word perfect.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's happen to me as well. Someone managed to copy all m files! I don't know how they do it when I've got spyware on.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hacking takes a lot uv energy and how to do it you type in your viewer code then you would insert another 9 digit number and a serial number and from there you will definetly know if you `ve got it or not
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I could tell you how to hack in your friends computer.if you can go to his house    .... First  open his computer   1.go start and click run. 2. Type in cmd then hit enter. 3.type net user hit enter 4.type net user then the account's name *. 5.set the password. 6.done!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Isn't it against the law to hack in on someone and the company you work for fires you for things on your my space page?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you ever try to hack into someone comp. , you will seriously spend da rest of your life in fear... Trust me!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you have a fire wall does that mean they can't do it?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
No it is very hard to hack its all about getting the ip adress to hack ur comp putting up the firewall makes it way harder but not impossible it all depends on the skill of the hacker the problem is like ne1 else hackers lik a challange so it may inspire them to try again or make a new program to hack ur comp the only sure as hell way is to fully disconect from the internet when not using it aka turn off ur broadband modem and also stay away from sites that u dont no about
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think they want to track you down and make you scared! But remember if you ever feel scared call 911 or your local seven digit police!

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