
How Do You Cheat At Kingsage?


1 Answers

Phil Newton Profile
Phil Newton answered

You can download a hack at which will allow you to cheat at KingsAge.  They claim that you'll be able to make use of the following cheats once you've installed it:

  • A system update
  • Unlimited crowns
  • Unlimited quarry
  • Unlimited sawmill
  • Unlimited ore mine
  • Warehouse level

TopCheats24 claim that the cheat is undetectable, and that there are no ads, but you'll have to check that out for yourself.

Some warnings

Whilst the cheat file is likely fine, there are many files on the internet that are not what they say they are.  Before you know it, your computer is infected with hundreds of adware issues and viruses.  So ultimately, you should only use these types of cheats if you're willing to take that risk.

Personally, I think cheats take away some of the fun of the game.  I don't really get a sense of accomplishment if I've suddenly got past the difficult bits.  But hey, that's just me!

Here's a video showing you another cheat hack you can use:

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