
Can Anyone Explain XCOPY DOS Command?


2 Answers

Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
This command is used to copy files (except hidden and system files) from one location to another. It is same command as the COPY command but it has some additional attributes. The files in a directory and its subdirectories can be copies. This command makes directories and subdirectories at the target location and then copies files in the respective directories from source disk to the target disk. It is very fast as compared to the copy command because it first loads the source files into the Random Access Memory and then writes them to the target disk. Selective files can be copied to the target disk.

Syntax of XCOPY command is XCOPY [drive1:] [path] file1 [drive2:] [path] file2 [switches]. This command has two parameters: file1 (source file) and file2 (target file). The drive 1 and drive 2 may be the same or different. /A copies all source files that have their archive files attributes NO. This switch does not reset the archive files attributes. /M copies all source files that have their archive files attributes ON. It resets the archive files attributes from source after copying on to the target disk. /D: date copies files that have the same or a later date than the specified date.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you have access to a Windows based computer, click on the Start button, select Run, then type in "cmd". When the Command Prompt (DOS) window pops up, type in "help xcopy" (without the quote marks) and you will see a complete listing of the available uses for the command.

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